Saturday, October 29, 2005

Silent Cthulhu Movie

For a movie made by a fan organization (The H.P. Lovecraft Historical Society), "The Call of Cthulhu" is amazingly watchable. It may be the most successful distillation of mythos aura into film this side of "Hellboy." The HPLHS pull it off by means of a clever trick: the story is presented as a silent film. This maneuver not only lends an appropriate atmosphere to the movie, but also covers over the amateur acting and cinematography. Only the fight scenes are truly painful. Is cyclopean architecture any less cyclopean if it's made of styrofoam? Perhaps, but creature effects can be even more effective if they're fleeting and old-fashioned. Cthulhu lives. I will say no more.

You can order the DVD through Amazon or directly from HPLHS.